An immersion on 
rejuvenation  with Arjun


INDIA 2024

Experience the Footsteps of a Millennial Culture

Get ready for an authentic dive in a land that will leave your soul nourished by all the senses with beauty, flavors, aromas and musicality.

Soon, you will also be able to be part of this new immersion that I organize so that we can have a direct experience in the cultural cradle of a people that has inspired humanity for millennia.

We depart in 2024 for a two-week transformative experience with a rich program on Wellness, Culture and Spirituality in South India, Kerala, bringing together some of the most fascinating themes of Vedic wisdom.

Warm up your heart and enjoy because it will be a reunion with life in its cosmic dimension! Come with me to live Ayurveda in Kerala.




Carrying out the Panchakarma program in Kerala is to combine stunning tourism with a special moment of recollection and reunion with you. It will be a wonderful opportunity for you to go beyond the basic vision of healing and set out on a journey for the benefit of the soul, understanding the divine arrangements behind illness as a path to self-knowledge.

An All Inclusive Experience

You will receive natural treatments to strengthen your body to return to the path of health, well-being and creative awareness throughout your stay. The therapeutic program will be entirely composed of daily unique treatment sessions over 14 days done by traditional healers of Ayurveda according to the Kerala lineage.

All accompanied by classic herbal formulations under the guidance of Ayurvedic masters who will assist you at all times, accompanying your rediscovery with well-being.

  • Massages, Herbal Baths & Aromatic Sauna,
  • Application of herbal pastes,
  • Nutritious Veg meals,
  • Yoga and Meditation Classes.

Living Ayurveda in Practice

One of the great differentials of our program in Kerala is the opportunity you will have to combine the best of all worlds in a single experience: traveling through one of the most beautiful destinations in India and having rich classes everyday with preceptors while you run your own detox program enjoying the maximum of your free time.

We've selected the most important classic formulations so you can learn the entire process as you identify the herbs and carry out each step.

The perfect combination of dynamic and practical classes!

We will study, directly with experienced masters from countless generations on how to prepare classical formulations.

Get ready to learn in practice how to produce several of the Ayurvedic remedies with their ancient formulas.

You will learn to classify plants with Planets and astrological archetypes through their medicinal potency, flavors, colors and fragrance.

Plants & The Planets
Far Beyond Doshas and Signs

Over the course of two weeks you will also participate in an international certification in Astrological Vision About Healing and Karma. It will be a unique and special training conducted by Prof. Arjun, an enchanting program about the relationship of Planets and Stars in our lives through Plants, Scents, Gemstones and Meditation. You will learn how astrology classifies everything in nature and links with cosmic forces. In this way, you will know which plants are associated with your power elements, favoring even deeper healing as well as smoothing out karmic issues.

All this from an experiential and entirely practical study from your own birth chart.

Lunar Calendar & Essential Oils

Each participant will receive their printed Vedic Birth Chart so that we can discover together what would be the combination of aromas that will be their celestial perfume, a powerful astral protector formed by the celestial intelligence present in nature. 

Your training also includes an study of the 27 Essential Oils in the Astrological Kit that we will use in the course.

You will know how to identify the best qualities found in the sky of your birth so that they can be amplified, ensuring a longer lasting well-being and a relief from the negative issues of your chart.

The Rituals of Astral Healing

There is a direct link between the healing of Ayurveda and the mysteries of the cosmos and this is present in the art of Vedic rituals, a sophisticated production preserved by Hindu priests. During these sacred ceremonies and before the element of transmutation, represented by fire, mantras are chanted in reverence to the Planets as divine archetypes of Light and protection. An absolutely rare opportunity to experience all aspects of the Vedic tradition and clear karmic issues associated with the healing process itself in a spiritual vision.

Alchemy and the Astrological Elixir

The ancient art of alchemy will also teach us to integrate this magical knowledge into everyday life so that you can make your astrological elixir from oils medicated with herbs and minerals, in addition to learning the direct association with precious stones and gems according to Vedic Astrology. An integrative proposal uniting astrological healing with natural resources along with Mantras for the Planets and personal meditation.

"My dream has always been to lead my friends and students into direct contact with the source. I want to have the honor of introducing you to my masters in India who have inspired and guided me for more than two decades.

I planned this trip to manifest all the elements that I consider essential for a contemplative, healing and cultural immersive as you deserve.

The confidence and experience of having led hundreds of people in several groups since 2003 along my own walks in the paths of India make me sure it will be wonderful for you as well.

I hope that the divine arrangements are at the right time for you and that you can accompany us on this journey. Close your eyes and search inside of your heart... if the Sacred Call is for you now... Then welcome. Namaste!"
ARJUN, professor and trip coordinator

Be Part of the Next Group

Get ready in advance and guarantee an exclusive discount as a bonus!! Request more information through WhatsApp by clicking on the button below.

Watch some of the magical moments of our last trip

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"I loved getting to know Kerala, it's just wonderful! What captivated me was the affection of the people, and the affection of the beloved master Arjun Das! Always with attention and availability to everyone! I want to go again!"

~ Janete Marcatto ~

"The trip to India was the most intense, exciting and life-changing adventure of my life. It was a True Life dive into my own life. Eternal gratitude to Life for this great spiritual experience."

~ Laurinda Cardoso ~

"The best trip of my life mainly because after this experience we transform in a way that we can't get out of there anymore! India is within us! It's a dive into yourself in search of what's best in us."

~ Sylvia Gemperle ~

"Feeling the call to get to know India, I couldn't wait for such an opportune invitation and liberating experience as being guided by Arjun through that land… In addition to knowing and experiencing such an intense and peculiar culture with the support of those who already know where to look. , We Could Live Ayurveda!"

~ Rodrigo Nascimento ~

"Being in India was, without a doubt, one of the biggest events of my life. Bringing together knowledge, leisure and immersion in a new culture was enriching, restorative and transforming. I can say that after this trip I was never the same person and I became someone better to be in this world."

~ Marciane Pagliari ~



"This is an absolutely complete program as you deserve! Feed the soul with such wisdom with this program and restore your vital forces with the renovating practices of AYURVEDA."

Arjun Das

50% Complete